Stardate 2024.144
The Riker Maneuver 501(c)3 was formed by Star Trek fans with the goal to erect a statue of Commander William Riker from Star Trek: The Next Generation in Valdez, Alaska. Valdez is the future birthplace of Commander Riker according to various Star Trek novels. The Riker Maneuver was set up by three Star Trek fans: Cameron Harrison, from Valdez; Patrick Campaign, from Anchorage; and Jessie Desmond, from Fairbanks. We recognize that Alaska has a budding space industry and a strong local interest in classic sci-fi, specifically Star Trek.
Who are these three people behind the Riker Maneuver? Now you can meet the Riker Maneuver.

Cameron Harrison, President
Location: Portland, OR
About: Cameron Harrison was born in Valdez, AK where he has fond childhood memories of watching the original Star Trek series with his family and being traumatized by transporter accidents and Ceti eels in the original films (if you know, you know). Though he didn’t watch much of The Next Generation during its initial run (more on that later), he was familiar with the characters and tropes of the show. Enough so to be delighted when his friend told him, in college, that the character of William Riker would one day be born in none other than our home town of Valdez!
Many years later, Cameron decided it was time to finally watch The Next Generation, and is chronicling the process through his podcast, Green Shirt: A Newbie’s Trek through TNG. Finally seeing just how great a character Riker is, and with the character returning to our TVs in the newer shows, he decided it was time to see if he could make the long held dream of honoring the character with a statue a reality.
Other Projects: His other projects include the successful Strange New Worlds podcast, Open Pike Night.
Favorite Riker Moment: It’s hard to beat dealing with your daddy issues in a thrilling game of anbo-jyutsu with him!
Patrick Campaign, OD, Treasurer
Location: Anchorage, AK
Education: Bachelors of Vision Science, Pacific University; Doctorate of Optometry, Pacific University
Involvement: I am assisting as the treasurer for the Riker Maneuver. Over 20 years of nonprofit experience including as a founding member of multiple grassroots organizations, I am driven as an Alaskan to celebrate those locals who positively influence others.
Favorite Riker Moment: My favorite Riker moment is "Hide and Q", where he gains the power of the Q. His first choices with his powers were 100% selfless -- to bring a child back to life, to give sight back to one of his best friends. All he wanted to do was to help others. It really gave the roundedness of his character and his loyalty toward the best for others. His unorthodox lifestyle along with his wholesome intentions are very ubiquitous of Alaskan living.

Jessie Desmond, Secretary
Location: Fairbanks, AK
Education: 3-year degree 2D Animation, Joe Kubert School; BA History, University of Alaska Fairbanks; (finishing up) Masters of Space Operations, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Involvement: I got involved with this project after talking to Cameron and volunteering to help. I grew up with TOS re-runs and Star Trek movies, followed by TNG which led to more Star Trek shows. TNG came out when I was in elementary school and I just loved it - still do. With the Riker Maneuver taking shape, I decided that I could perhaps help connect the project with the emerging space industry in Alaska, as well as other STEM fields. While a statue of Commander Riker is great for tourism, it should also be inspirational for all Alaskans who want to explore and enter into a STEM field.
Favorite Riker Moment: It's hard to nail down my favorite Riker moment. I always wanted to try Anbo Jyutsu. I have always liked how eager Riker was to learn and immerse himself in new cultures.
To contact the Riker Maneuver, email